
Learning Philosophy

I believe that education is our greatest tool in advancing our society. As an educator, I believe that I am responsible for creating a welcoming learning environment where students feel encouraged to express themselves, grow into successful members of the community, think critically, and take productive risks in a low-stakes atmosphere. Additionally, it is my duty to provide challenging and important material that motivates and inspires students to learn. I will design my curriculum to incorporate a “students first” curriculum, including project based learning and creative collaboration. Real world knowledge and applications will also be at the forefront of all curriculum.
As I prepare my students for a rapidly changing world, I commit to incorporating the following into my teaching. I will build a positive classroom community by establishing norms of respect, equity, and collaboration. I will accommodate for the wide range of intelligences, learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and funds of knowledge. I will create interesting lessons where students can tap into their existing funds of knowledge and embrace the curriculum. I will foster a seamless integration of new technologies, educational tools, and other learning methods.