Student Success
We were fortunate to have so many amazing partners in the community this year that hired my classes to produce graphics for various events.
7 Eleven: Worked with the 7-11 Corporate Marketing Team to produce graphics for our local store grand opening. Students were invited to create art with the theme “What does Heritage mean to me”. The top 3 students had their art displayed at the store and were recognized at the grand opening.
Drama Department: Worked with the school’s drama department to provide marketing for their spring musical
Administration: Worked with school administration to create student generated planner design for the next school year.
Goal: Create a button design strictly using the pen tool in Illustrator. Designs will be in one unified color harmony (warm, cool, complementary, etc) and have designs in the foreground, middle ground, and background.
Prof.VA:Cr1.1: Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.
8.VA:Cr2.3: Select, organize, and design images and words to make visually clear and compelling presentations.
8.VA:Cr3: Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in progress
Prof.VA:Re9: Establish relevant criteria in order to evaluate a work of art or collection of works.
Goal: In Illustrator, use shapes and the pathfinder tool to build a food/drink that is significant to you. Think about foods that are significant to your culture and/or a specific memory.
Prof.VA:Cr1.2: Shape an artistic investigation of an
aspect of present day life using a contemporary practice of art or design.
Prof.VA:Re9: Establish relevant criteria in order to
evaluate a work of art or collection of works.
Prof.VA:Cn11: Describe how knowledge of culture,
traditions, and history may influence personal responses to art.
"In the year that Yasmeen Eid has been part of our Heritage High School Team, she has been an instrumental addition to the Visual and Performing Arts Program. Under Yasmeen's facilitation, she has developed and implemented a new Visual Communications program including writing the new Visual Communications curriculum that was sent to the UC Course Management Portal for A-G approval. In one short year, Yasmeen's classes have become a popular course for students fulfilling their Visual Arts requirement for graduation and A-G completion."
- Lindsay Chavez, Heritage High School Principal

MARKETING MATERIAL: Students had the opportunity to take their sticker design and adapt it for different print medium. In class we printed t-shirts, buttons, and tote bags to create merchandise to sell at the school film festival.​
Goal: Students will create two sticker designs by applying their research of the unique elements of art found in the primary sources of each decade in order to better understand how the mix of colors, typography, and shape can define a time period. Stickers will be used as marketing material for the student run film festival.
8.VA:Cr2.1: Demonstrate willingness to experiment, innovate, and take risks to pursue ideas, forms, and meanings that emerge in the process of artmaking or designing.
8.VA:Re7.2: Compare and contrast contexts and media in which viewers encounter images that influence ideas, emotions, and actions.
Prof.VA:Cn11: Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may influence personal responses to art.
7.VA:Cn11: Analyze how response to art is influenced by understanding the time and place in which it was created, the available resources, and cultural uses.
Prof.VA:Pr4: Analyze, select, and curate artifacts and/or artworks for presentation and preservation

Goal: Students will create a typography poster inspired by Victorian advertising in order to understand how to use size, weight, color, and effects to create variation in typography.
Prof.VA:Cr1.1: Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.
8.VA:Cr2.3: Select, organize, and design images and words to make visually clear and compelling presentations.
8.VA:Cr3: Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in progress
Prof.VA:Re9: Establish relevant criteria in order to evaluate a work of art or collection of works.
Goal: Students will be able to compose a mandala made of 10 abstract and literal shapes after researching something of deep meaning (their own spirituality, a character in a book, a poem, song, familial themes, etc) in order to better understand ways in which we can add meaning in art.
Prof.VA:Cr1.2: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present day life using a contemporary practice of art or design.
7.VA:Cr2.1: Demonstrate persistence in developing skills with various materials, methods, and approaches in creating works of art or design.
8.VA:Re7.1: Explain how a person’s aesthetic choices are influenced by culture, environment, and personal experiences that impacts the message it conveys to others.
8.VA:Cn11: Distinguish different ways art is used to represent, establish, reinforce, and reflect group identity.